Home > Uncategorized > Ezra Klein’s Case Against Republican Sabotage

Ezra Klein’s Case Against Republican Sabotage

I hate Ezra Klein. Check that. I am jealous of Ezra Klein. This guy is too young — 26 — to be so damn smart. Yes, I know he is accused and convicted of being a flaming liberal. I don’t care for the simple reason he can explain better than most others the complexities of congressional legislation.

So it was with extreme interest I read his piece Friday in Newsweek wailing against Republican deficit hawks attempting to gut the health reform act.

Like it or not, Klein presents a powerful case of mean-spirited Republicans sabotaging legislation designed to help people and in its process implode the process costing taxpayers billions of unnecessary  additional dollars. And for what? To regain power for themselves and screw the American public.

His pitch and my plea is to allow the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to play itself out. My suggestion is to read Klein’s account by blanking out the political garbage and concentrating on the factual data based on projections by the Congressional Budget Office.

(Photo courtesy of Google images.)

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